Cyber Security

CYBERSECURITY is serious business, and executives have every right to be concerned about it. However, understanding cybersecurity and knowing the actionable steps your business should take to be more secure can be 1) difficult to get started with and not the most exciting topic for most.

Unfortunately, a lot of the resources out there on cybersecurity fail to answer either of these issues. They approach it from a super technical perspective, with pages filled to the brim with fancy jargon and lingo that fails to engage businesses just starting out with their cybersecurity strategy.


Cybersecurity gets complicated, yes. But at the end of the day, there are EASY common-sense layers you can put in place that will set you up to be resilient in this new cyber landscape. Better yet, they aren’t overly complicated with the guidance of the right IT team!

Some common-sense solutions we provide are:

  • Increasing speed of patches and updates
  • Requiring a second form of authentication when logging in to increase security
  • Blocking communication on email and firewall from countries you do not do business with

No need to overcomplicate it: by following the basics, you’ll lay the framework of a powerful cybersecurity strategy.

For a full audit of each common-sense cybersecurity layer, reach out today! Contact us today for an evaluation!

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571 Bald Eagle Dr. Marco Island, FL 34145

24/7 Tech Support

(239) 778-0808

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Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm